ChatGPT Research8/21/23 -
An informative webpage about the AI chatbot taking the world by storm
Business Card9/1/23 -
My GITA business card
Merchandise Store9/19/23 -
A webpage for an online amigurumi store
Merchandise Store Upgrade10/5/23 -
An upgraded online store, now with discounts and a customer survey
Circle Bounce10/17/23 -
Watch two circles bounce and change color inside a box
Tank11/3/23 -
Shoot as many targets as possible in one minute, and try to beat your high score
Submarine12/4/23 -
Protect a fish from a school of predators, and try to beat your high score
Number Arrays12/15/23 -
A program that generates an array filled with randomized numbers and outputs statistics about its contents
Space Photon Shooter1/19/24 -
A shooter game themed around photons in space
Internet Research Project2/9/24 -
A website exploring topics related to the ethics of computing
The Hornet Game3/20/24 -
A program in which AI hornets compete for a moving piece of meat
Tech Page8/29/23 -
A webpage exploring the impact of AI on current-day Hollywood
Collage9/8/23 -
A collage representing my different interests
Dice9/22/23 -
Roll a pair of dice and have their sums calculated
Craps Game10/9/23 -
Play a single-player version of the classic casino game
Basic Space Invaders10/24/23 -
A simplified version of the classic shooter game
Circle Objects11/9/23 -
An upgraded version of circle bounce featuring many different circles with randomized characteristics, and an independently moving rectangle
Circle Art12/13/23 -
A program that draws circles in eight different patterns
Checkerboard12/19/23 -
A program that draws a checkerboard according to dimensions inputted by the user
String Program1/23/24 -
A program that fills an array with strings inputted by the user
Number Array Upgrade3/1/24 -
An upgraded version of the original number array project
Final Project5/23/24 -
A portfolio website that I designed for artist/designer Chris Fink