For better or for worse, computing innovation has had an enormous and irreversible influence on society and the world, changing the way we work, learn, communicate, and live. It is important to recognize the positive and negative impacts of this technology, as well as how it can result in consequences far beyond its intended purposes. Benefits of Computing Technology
Communication: Computing innovation has made communication extraordinarily efficient. People can correspond instantaneously on opposite ends of the earth via texting and email. Distance is no longer a problem when it comes to having a conversation.
Easy Access to Information: With the Internet, information has been made much more accessible. Web browsers have made finding information as quick as typing in a simple search. Sharing things online is also efficient due to social media. Whether you're reading about current world events or more personal interests, staying informed has become very easy.
Improvements in the Workplace: Modern computing technology allows for a number of improvements in the workplace. Some people are able to work virtually, creating a more convenient environment in which to do their job. Coworkers are better able to communicate with one another. AI can be trained to complete more menial tasks, allowing workers to complete their jobs more efficiently. Harm Caused by Computing Technology
Privacy Risks: As explained in better detail in the section covering online privacy, privacy issues are a major concern when using the Internet. Data is frequenly collected, used, and sold by all kinds of online companies and organizations, not necessarily with user consent. Private information can also easily be leaked and stolen by hackers and employees who gain unauthorized access.
Misinformation: Anyone can post anything on the Internet, which naturally leads to a great deal of online misinformation and disinformation. People can easily be fooled into believing incorrect claims without looking into them further. And due to the nature of the Internet and social media, with users constantly sharing things, false information can be rapidly spread across a large audience.
Reduction of Job Availability: With the rise of new technology, particularly AI, there is a growing concern about humans losing their jobs to computers. Already, there are self-driving cars, self grocery store checkouts, and bots that serve as waiters in restaurants. As this technology progresses, it could eventually grow advanced enough to threaten a vast array of jobs, from the computing to entertainment to customer service industries.
Impact of Technology Beyond Its Intended Purposes
Whenever new technology is invented, there is a risk that it will be used in ways that far exceed its originally intended purposes. One of the biggest examples of this is the Internet; it was created specifically for military officials and scientists, but is now used by regular people everywhere, in almost every aspect of their daily lives. Innovation can impact the world in all kinds of unpredicable ways, and this is an important thing for inventors to take into account when developing new technologies.